NSER - National Semiconductor Economic Roadmap
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  • NSER

NATIONAL STRATEGY. INDUSTRY LED. National Semiconductor Economic Roadmap

这是一项行业主导的倡议,旨在提高半导体竞争力,并为美国未来的半导体制造业制定蓝图. More than 80 industry leaders, 来自全国各州的教育机构和公共部门领导人聚集在一起,合作开发NSER, which outlines goals and objectives across four key pillars: infrastructure, supply chain, workforce, and entrepreneurship.


  • “Arizona’s semiconductor ecosystem is becoming a center of U.S. advanced manufacturing, 在过去的40年里,英特尔很自豪能够参与推动该州的行动和投资,帮助推动美国半导体创新的前沿.S. 英特尔对国家半导体经济路线图的发布表示赞赏,该路线图将帮助学校和企业齐心协力,为未来在硅沙漠及其他地区建立一支一流的半导体劳动力队伍.”  

    intel logo
    Tom Rucker
    Vice President
    Intel Corporation, Technology and Manufacturing Group
  • “TSMC has been a trusted partner to semiconductor innovators for decades, and we are proud to contribute further to the U.S. microelectronics ecosystem through the NSER. 因为我们把我们领先的半导体制造工艺带到美国, 台积电期待支持包括政府在内的利益相关方加强合作, industry, and academia in key areas such as supply chain, infrastructure, workforce, and innovation.”

    TSMC logo
    Rick Cassidy
    President and Chief Executive Officer
    TSMC Arizona
  • “At Samsung Semiconductor, Inc. we are committed to continuing to grow our manufacturing, R&D and workforce footprint in the United States. Samsung has a long history of contributing to the U.S. 制造业生态系统,投资470亿美元,在全国拥有2万名员工. 我们很高兴能继续在当地社区投资,并支持半导体人才管道的扩张. 我们欢迎有机会为国家半导体经济路线图做出贡献,并期待其进步.”

    Samsung logo
    Jae Jeong
    Samsung Semiconductor, Inc.
  • “恩智浦致力于通过我们在美国的业务加速突破,推动我们的世界, we look forward to doing our part to make the NSER’s innovation, supply chain, and manufacturing goals a reality. 我们赞赏ACA和其他利益相关者共同实现这一愿景——这一愿景将吸引下一代人才参与到一个创造未来的行业中来.”

    nxp logo
    Paul Hart
    Executive Vice President and General Manager BL Radio Power
    NXP Semiconductors
  • “正如亚利桑那州的经验所表明的那样,各州处于半导体创新的前沿. 这就是为什么ACA主动召集这一史无前例的、由行业主导的努力. 我非常感谢我们的许多合作伙伴为创建这个强大的平台所贡献的时间和专业知识, actionable plan.”

    Arizona Commerce Authority Logo
    Sandra Watson
    President and Chief Executive Officer
    Arizona Commerce Authority
  • “国家半导体经济路线图和全国范围内的合作计划对美国半导体行业的发展至关重要,因为我们正在探索新的材料和架构,以继续提高功率, speed, efficiency, and density of electronic devices. 拥有宝贵专业知识和知识产权的小型科技公司在商业化道路上面临巨大挑战. NSER正确地将增加和加速对企业家的支持作为实现《cq9传奇电子论坛》政策目标的关键方面. 企业家为解决美国半导体行业当前和未来的问题而踏上的旅程要降低风险,就需要为他们提供更多的融资渠道, better tools, and commercial equipment. 缩放超导电子的高性能和节能计算以及传感应用是可能的, 但这需要半导体供应链中多个利益相关者的共同努力. 亚利桑那州准备成为先进半导体教育的卓越中心, manufacturing, and innovation, NSER的框架正是企业家将他们的技术推向市场和加强国内能力所需要的."

    Ambature logo
    Ronald J. Kelly
    President and Chief Executive Officer
    Ambature, Inc.
  • “在国内重建半导体供应链可以说是这一代人经济实力和国内安全的最关键任务. NSER报告涉及加强美国半导体产业的所有关键方面,以确保投资与需要的方式和时间保持一致. 创新影响合作伙伴感谢桑德拉·沃森和亚利桑那州商务管理局团队, along with Boston Consulting Group, 获奖理由:使这一行业主导的倡议专注于整体方法,以解决国内半导体生态系统成功复苏所需的关键方面, from workforce and infrastructure to supply chain and entrepreneurism.”

    Innovation Impact Partners logo
    Dr. Mark O’Neill
    Founder and Chief Executive Officer
    Innovation Impact Partners
  • “重振美国在半导体行业的主导地位需要全国上下的努力. That’s exactly what NSER represents. 我们很荣幸能在NSER的发展过程中与所有部门的领导者一起工作,我们随时准备继续与全国各地的合作伙伴合作,推进亚利桑那州作为全球微电子中心的地位.”

    Arizona State University Logo
    Dr. Michael Crow
    Arizona State University
  • “The passage of the CHIPS Act has opened a new era of semiconductor innovation. NSER provides the roadmap to fully capitalize on our growing momentum, aligning strategies for workforce, research, infrastructure, and entrepreneurs. The University of Arizona is proud to partner on this historic effort.”

    University of Arizona Logo
    Dr. Robert Robbins
    The University of Arizona
  • “Northern Arizona University is excited to partner on the NSER roadmap to improve U.S. and Arizona semiconductor competitiveness. 该路线图提供了知识和指导,以充分优化我们的芯片行业的各个方面, especially in key areas such as workforce and infrastructure. NAU will continue to lend our expertise to further chip innovation nationwide.”

    Northern Arizona University Logo
    Dr. José Luis Cruz Rivera
    Northern Arizona University



Define workforce skill and education requirements

Supply Chain

Identify supply chain resiliency solutions


Forecast pre-competitive technical challenges


Analyze the role of early-stage innovators

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